
I’m an experienced software developer, with the last decade focussed on front-end app development within the React ecosystem, but drawing from many previous projects building server-based sites and mobile apps. I write lean, well-tested code using the best bits of functional programming, while keeping the code easy to read and reason about.

I’m comfortable collaborating on prototypes with designers, defining and refining spec alongside engineers, or discussing features with stakeholders. Pragmatic in my approach, adaptable and inquisitive, I find the work I do endlessly interesting, and ultimately very satisfying.

If I wasn’t writing code for a living. I’d be doing it for fun.

Pedr Browne Résumé
In over 15 years of experience, I can count on one hand the people I would be 100% confident in recommending, but Pedr’s always first on my list. His creative eye, attention to detail in design, and his ability to craft readable and reliable code is second-to-none. Always passionate about his work and a good communicator, he would be a valuable asset to any company.Simon Bailey, Distinguished Engineer, TriNetX Inc

See my other recommendations on LinkedIn.